China Residencies and Red Gate Residency are excited to announce the 12 shortlisted collaborations & collectives for the 2nd Crystal Ruth Bell Residency. This year, we called out for Duos, Trios, and Collectives working in any creative medium from all around the world, and are pleased to announce the chosen finalists out of the nearly 100 project proposals we received.
- 歐家成 Ou Chiacheng & 趙宛青 Zhao Wangqing (Taiwan/China/UK)
- project: extra tissue "Made in Taiwan"
- photography, graphic design & handmade books
Zhao Wangqing "Extra tissue vol.1 Poetry" 2014
Zhao Wangqing & Ou Chiacheng "有效期限 Expiration" 2013
Ou Chiacheng "家族遺產 Family Legacy" 2015
- ADL [Association for Dematerializing Landscapes]
- Ash Moniz (Canada/China/Morocco), Rouzbeh Akhbari (Iran/Canada), and Felix Kalmenson (Russia/Canada)
- project: Tides of Sand and Steel
- performance, sound, video, sculpture, installation
ADL "Order and Progress: Unburden" 2014
- Blood Becomes Water
- Rosie Eisor & Raya Rayax (Bulgaria)
- project: Tetraphobia
- zine, design, publishing
BBW #10 Kukeri
- Bou y Albaredaq
- Irene Bou & Anna Albaredaq (Venezuela/Spain)
- project: Micro-tales
- visual arts, writing, art criticism
- 展銷場 Display Distribute
- Alexandra Tatarsky and Ming Lin (Hong Kong/USA)
- project: Super Taste with Sporty and Metropolitan Berber Embroideries
- performance, anthropology, art criticism and translation
- Sáenz-Barahona
- Guillermo Sáenz & Fredman Barahona
- project: Wet Letters
- research, performance, audio, video, installation
- Hive
- Sabina Vajraca, Amanda Barron, Flora Diaz, Eugene Koh, Jenny Halper (Bosnia / South Korea / UK / Uruguay / USA)
- project: "Getting Lost"
- filmmaking, acting, directing, cinematography
Sabina Vajraca - directing reel
- El and Mo
- Murray O'Grady & Ella Lucas
- project: The Romance of Contraband
- sculpture, print, interactive app
Ella Lucas "Carnival Glass_Please" 2015
Murray O'Grady "Jobber with Avatar (Push)"
- Nika Oblak & Primoz Novak (Slovenia)
- project: Scream
- installation, video, performance
- Rabbyahurmat Collaboration
- Rabbya Naseer & Hurmat ul Ain (Pakistan)
- project: Crow Effect
- social practice, performance, games
- La Silla Danza
Dania Barragán, Melissa Sánchez, Mariana Paredes, Maribel Durazo (Mexico)
- project: Luchadoras
- dance, choreography
La Silla Danza "Hollki" 2014
- 浪漫促銷 {Romantic Promotions}
- 余淑培 YU Shuk Pui Bobby & Yu Ying Nai
- project: God Table
- conceptual art + performance
Yu Shuk Pui 余淑培 "OBSERVE: The Woman 觀察: 女人" 2014