Open Call for the 5th Crystal Ruth Bell Residency - Nourish 颐养
驻地项目申请函征集第五届 Crystal Ruth Bell 驻留项目-Nourish 颐养
What feeds you? 是什么喂养了你?
For the fifth edition of the Crystal Ruth Bell Residency, we are inviting people to apply for a fully-funded residency at Red Gate in Beijing for the months of November and December 2018. We are calling for people of all types of creative practices, of all passports, ages, gender-identities, abilities, and interests to send us proposals for projects to pursue in Beijing this winter around the verb “nourish" - in any way the word makes sense to you.
由红门驻地项目与中国艺术交流合作的第五届“Crystal Ruth Bell”驻留项目将于2018年11月和12月在北京进行。不限国籍、年龄、性别、才能和兴趣,欢迎从事各种创意实践者围绕主题“颐养”递交申请提案。
Whether you are a farmer, a cook, an artist, a food scientist, a culinary critic or historian, a guerrilla gardener, ethnographer, nomadic food truck entrepreneur, a writer, a poet, dancer, filmmaker, photographer, journalist, urban planner, nutritionist, or any other kind of creative person whose work involves food in some way, we welcome your proposals for a fully-funded two month residency at Red Gate Residency this winter.
The Crystal Ruth Bell Residency covers:
- Housing in either a downtown apartment or loft studio, both equipped with home kitchens
- Round trip flight
- USD $1,071 stipend {as of 2018, our stipend is pegged to inflation)
- USD $500 for materials & ingredients
- Visa & travel health insurance
- Airport pickup, welcome dinner
- Optional artist talk or workshop & open studio
- Use of Crystal’s sanlunche
- Project support from the Red Gate and China Residencies teams
Individuals and duos from all nationalities are encouraged to apply, including China, Hong Kong, Taiwan and Macao. This is a wide open call, with no restrictions based on age, medium, educational background, or any other criteria. Project proposals will be evaluated based on their feasibility and creativity by a jury composed of Red Gate Residency director Yulia Lobyntseva, China Residencies board members Zara Arshad, Jay Brown, Christina Chung, Miles Greenberg; Head of Research & Development Josue Chavez, summer intern Angel Tillery, and co-founder & director Kira Simon-Kennedy.
我们鼓励来自包括中国、香港、台湾和澳门的世界各地艺术家或艺术团体申请。这是一次全开放的征集,没有年龄、媒介、教育背景或其他要求的限制。基于申请者们的项目田的可行性和创意性,红门国际驻地总监Yulia Lobyntseva,中国艺术交流董事成员Zara Arshad, Jay Brown, Christina Chung, Miles Greenberg; 研究与发展部主管Josue Chavez, 夏季实习生Angel Tillery和联合创始人Kira Simon-Kennedy将共同对申请函进行。
Apply online before July 17th 2018. Finalists will be notified by August 8th and the selected resident will be announced on September 1st.
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Food for Thought 精神食粮
Food is key to creative investigations into cultural exchange. Recipes carry inter-generational knowledge; cooking and sharing meals brings us together across cultures and borders. China Residencies celebrates its anniversaries with worldwide dumpling parties, and residencies often start off with a big welcome dinner. China is home to hundreds of complex culinarily cultures, with much more delicious and intricate histories beyond the officially-recognized Eight Great Regional Cuisines.
But food production is also central to all socio-political systems, where the vast majority of those who cook for us across the world are mothers, caretakers, and the often underpaid and overworked labourers in precarious situations -- undocumented migrants, barely making minimum wage, and ever-evading crackdowns on mobile vendors. Our local and global food systems are tied into commodity markets fraught with the interlinked issues of sustainability and scarcity, accountability and deceit, cultural heritage and appropriation.
We are looking for projects that nourish communities in ways that push back against, work through, and build upon our food complex systems through a commitment to creative inquiry:

Crystal on her sanlunche, photograph by Silva Jaehrling
Crystal baked to exchange -- to spread delight, colour, joy, and the aspects of her particular upbringing she wanted to pass on. She retrofitted a sanlunche and biked through Beijing trading her hybrid treats for anything non-monetary. The sanlunche rode again, reprised as Kira’s ice treats exchange with crowdsourced recipes from Iran to Italy, created in the kitchens and freezers of independent art spaces across Beijing in 2016.

"Consuming The World" 2015, courtesy of the artist
The first resident in Crystal’s honor, Jagrut Raval, created a world map out of biriyani, inviting neighbors to each their homeland.
为纪念Crystal的第一位驻地艺术家Jagrut Raval用手抓饭绘制了一幅世界地图,邀请邻居到他们各自的家乡。

One of the zine-making collectives from the 2nd Crystal residency, Ou Chiacheng & Zhao Wanqing, documented stereotypes surrounding “Made in Taiwan” cuisine on the mainland.

“体会是相互的 The Feeling Is Mutual” 2017, courtesy of the artist
And last year, 4th Crystal resident LaTasha N. Nevada Diggs created rituals of care between women of color of all ages.
去年,LaTasha N. Nevada Diggs 在不同年龄的有色人种之间创造了关爱的仪式。